Wednesday, April 11, 2007

103~ Our First Monthsary

: 103 1st Monthsary At Empire :
Today marked our 1st very ever Monthsary, 1st Month of Our Love together and by this we decided to celebrate it extra special. We agreed to celebrate our Love Day every month and promised to take turns in oganising it. This 1st monthsary, Syazwan gets the turn. The idea is that who ever is the organiser, thinks of the whole days' plans for the celebration and is also responsible for coming up with the payment..=) cool right?

Well, for our 1st Monthsary, we celebrated it at the most presteigous luxurious Empire Hotel. We went there for a lovely dinner together right after enjoying the amazing seaside sunset and caught a movie at its nearby cinema. There was nothing quite nonchalant about the whole celebration- we were excited the whole time and made jokes all throughout the evening. Perhaps it was the thrill of the celebration at an amazing place or just the current beautiful setting of the atmosphere but more importantly we're sure it was because who we were with that night that did it for us we think ;) We loved it so much there that we continued the celebration the next day by coming back again to go for a swim at its pools. We definitely had lots of fun, perfect for a 1st Monthsary celebration and would most probably do it again perhaps more often than we think. Syabas! to Syazwan for making it a wonderful experience for Us.

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